Tuesday, August 1, 2017

©Dianne Barskey 2008

Where is the point that
You know you have
Had enough sleep?

Is the point when you
No longer fall asleep
Two hours after getting up?

Is it when you no
Longer feel exhausted
Constantly, with
No get up and go?

I hope that someone can
Tell so that I
Know when I have

Gotten to that point.
The Loss of a Child
©Dianne Barskey 2007

No one can know your pain
No one can completely understand

Your life has changed
Your life will never be the same

Your child is gone
What can you do?

Everyone has their advice
Some think it is so simple
To just get over this

It must be one of the most
Difficult things to survive
There is a void that can never
Be completely filled.

The void can be made less empty
By honoring the memory and
Never forgetting the good times.
You must never forget the rest
Of the family you have.

You each need the other to cope
Friends may even need you
To help them through the time.

Always remember but do not

Forget to continue your own life.
©Dianne Barskey 2008

Pets deserve more than
They are often given.
They love us unconditionally.

They calm us when
We are very upset.
They understand more
Than we give them credit for.

They are not “sometimes” creatures.
They are forever friends.

If you get a pet you,
MUST devote yourself
To that pet.
You must be a responsible
Pet owner and care for them.

You would not like it if
Someone just loved you
When they felt like it.

So do not just love
Your pet when it
Is convenient for you

Thursday, July 6, 2017


Kittens, Kittens everywhere
They keep coming
Will they ever stop?

Spay and neuter can help
That will prevent some

Kittens in the streets
Kittens in the yards
Kittens under the shed

How can you help?
Donate some cash
Donate some food
Donate some litter
Volunteer your time
Adopt don't shop

Rescue spend hundreds
On each kitten
That saves you money

The rescue life is not easy
Calls come in all the time
'Save this baby'
'Can't keep my cat'
'This baby is hurt or sick'

How can you move and not
Make sure you can
take your pet with you?

How can you treat animals
With so much cruelty?

We see the worst of humanity
We see sweet souls in pain
We hold some as they die
We love them all to the end
The end should be a new home
Not abuse and death

We cry
We grieve
We rejoice
We rant
We scream

We know that we can't
Save them all
We try
We do our best

Rescue is not easy
The public does not see
What happens behind the scenes

Tuesday, July 4, 2017


©Dianne Barskey 2007

Ocean surf
Ebbing and flowing
On the beach and off

Bringing seashells
And seaweed
Scenting the air with salt

Soothing sounds
Of the surf
And the seagulls

Seagulls laughing
At who knows what
Dolphins jumping in the waves

Lay back on the sand
Listen to all the sounds
Soothing, relaxing
Bringing peace to a harried mind


©Dianne Barskey 2007

Loss of a loved one is so hard to comprehend
You are never ready for their life here to end
You do not want them to suffer
But their leaving is rougher
And you can not imagine how you will mend

Friends try to comfort and soothe
Their words seem too smooth
They mean the best
But you are distressed
Try to remember that they want to soothe

The suffering has ended for your loved one
It is hard to see them in their coffin
Know that they are not there
But do not despair
They are with someone more sovereign